Lead Nitrate

Lead nitrate, with the chemical formula Pb(NO3)2, is an inorganic salt that commonly occurs in the form of white crystals or powder. This compound is widely used in various industrial and chemical applications due to its unique properties.
Yellow litharge

El litargirio es un compuesto químico con la fórmula PbO, que consiste en un átomo de plomo y un átomo de oxígeno. Su estructura cristalina le confiere propiedades especiales que lo hacen adecuado para una amplia gama de aplicaciones en la minería. Es importante destacar que se obtiene a través de la oxidación del plomo […]
Zinc Oxide Feed

Feed Zinc Oxide or Allizinc is a form of oxide specifically designed for use in animal nutrition and also has important applications in agriculture. This grade of zinc oxide provides an essential source of zinc, both in feeding farm animals and in improving soil quality and crop yields.
Zinc Oxide Red Seal

Red Seal Zinc Oxide is a reliable and cost-effective choice for industrial and technical applications, where its purity and functional properties are suitable for improving the performance and quality of final products.
Zinc powder its usefulness in the Merrill Crowe Process

Zinc powder is a very popular reagent in the #IndustriaMinera, it is present in the #MerrillCrowe metallurgical extraction process, named after its creators Charles Merril and Thomas Crowe around the year 1900. The main objective of this process is to obtain the highest number of values once the precipitates of this process have melted […]
Matchstick Industry: The Role of Zinc Oxide and the Threat of Phosphor Disuse

Ever since matches were invented nearly two centuries ago by English chemist John Walker, they have been a basic tool of development. Today, however, they are in danger of disappearing, victims of technology. Over the past 30 years, the matchstick industry has waged a losing battle against lighters, as manufacturing them has ceased to be […]
Zinc Oxide and Its Impact on Human Health

Zinc is a very important trace element that is involved in various important processes to keep our body in optimal conditions. Like iron, it is essential to ensure the good health of our body. In addition to playing a fundamental role at the cellular and immune system level, it also contributes to the proper functioning […]
Zinc Oxide in the Cosmetics Industry: Growing Popularity

zinc oxide or Gold Seal, has whitening, soothing, antiseptic, and sun-protective properties, and it also makes makeup more covering. It can also be used to make diaper cream, sunscreen, makeup, and masks to beautify your skin. You can also use it to make your own face powder and enhance its covering power. In addition, zinc […]
The Role of Zinc Oxide in Medical Tape

Medical adhesive cloth is one of the most widely used disposable materials in the medical sector, and a basic element that should not be missing from any first aid kit. It is used to hold the bandage of small wounds or frequent injuries, as well as to immobilize an area, such as wrist or ankle […]
Zinc in Agriculture: How It Affects Plant Growth and Soil

Zinc is a micronutrient with low mobility within the plant, but it has numerous critical functions. The structure and functionality of many enzymes depend on the presence of Zn in the plant. It is estimated that approximately 2,800 proteins rely on Zn for their synthesis and action. Zinc is necessary for carbohydrate synthesis during photosynthesis […]